The Romanian Journal of European Studies
No. 4 / 2005 Special issue on migration and mobility
ISSN 1583 - 199X
EUV - Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara
The Romanian Journal of European Studies - special issue on migration and mobility
The British Council Romania and The School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), within the West University of Timisoara, edited The Romanian Journal of European Studies - special issue on migration and mobility (Guest editor: Mr. Martin GEIGER, Bonn University, Germany). For more information or to obtain a printed copy, please contact Mr. Dan MOGA (Editor) at SISEC. NEW! free downloadable PDF form
Foreword, Grigore Silasi ............................................................................................... page 5
Editorial, Martin Geiger ................................................................................................. pages 7 - 8
Forms and Features of the Post-Enlargement Migration Space, Paolo Ruspini ................. pages 9 - 18
Managing Migration for an Enlarging Europe - Inter-governmental Organizations and the Governance of the Migration Flows, Martin Geiger ......................................... pages 19 - 30
Balkan Migrations and The European Union: Patterns and Trends, Martin Baldwin-Edwards ... pages 31 - 43
Workers' Mobility': Europe's Integration and Second Thoughts, Peter van Krieken ........ pages 45 - 53
Romania's External Migration in the Context of Accesion to the EU: Mechanisms, Institutions and Social-Cultural Issues, Luminita Nicolescu, Daniela-Luminita Constantin ...... pages 55 - 63
Migrations et incidence sur la répartition spatiale de la population en Roumanie au niveau national et régional, Vasile Ghetau .... pages 65 - 83
The European Commission launched the European Year of Workers' Mobility 2006. With this occasion, SISEC published a special issue of The Romanian Journal of European Studies, the scientific journal edited since 2002 by the British Council Romania and SISEC. Dipl. Geographer Mr. Martin GEIGER, Bonn University, Germany, guest lecturer and visiting researcher at SISEC (January - April 2006), was appointed as Guest Editor of The Romanian Journal of European Studies - special issue on migration and mobility. NEW! free downloadable PDF form.
The editorial team of the special issue: Prof. Grigore SILASI, PhD, Jean Monnet Professor - head; Mr. Dan MOGA, PhD - Editor of The Romanian Journal of European Studies; Dipl. Geographer Mr. Martin GEIGER, Bonn University, Germany / visiting researcher at SISEC (Guest Editor); Mr. Ovidiu SIMINA, LLB, MA, PhD Student; Mrs. Alexandra DOGARU, MA, researcher at SISEC.
Link: ODYSSEUS Network - Prof. Philippe de Bruycker - Training opportunities on European Immigration and Asylum Law
Visit SISEC projects list for updated information about future events on migration and mobility. Thank for your interest in project.
Ovidiu SIMINA,
16/01/2007 HOME