The Romanian Journal
of European Studies
ISSN 1583 - 199X EUV - Editura Universitatii de Vest,
Editorial Board:
Mirela Bardi, Thomas Bruha, Stefan Buzarnescu, Emil Cazan, Jacques Chevalier, Gabriela Coltescu, Horia Cristea, Stuart Croft, Toma Dordea, Dumitru Gaspar, Nicolae Idu, Teodor Melescanu, Reinhard Meyers, Ioan Mihai, Michael O'Neill, Dumitru Oprea, Nicolae Paun, Ioan Popa, Philippe Rollet,
Editorial Board Secretariat:
Guest Editor: Ovidiu Simina - for issue on migration and mobility (no.5+6/2006)
Instruction to authors:
Editors welcome the sumission of manuscripts both in electronic (E-mail attachment, floppy disk) and hard copy versions. Original printed manuscript together with CD stored manuscript, written in English or French should be sent to:
Mr. Ovidiu SIMINA
OP 1 - CP 372
Attn: The Romanian Journal of European Studies, new migration issue
Hard copy manuscripts should be submitted in two copies, typewritten or printed double-spaced, on one side of the paper. CD stored manuscript should be under Microsoft Word. The electronic manuscripts (E-mail attachments under MS-Word) should be directed to the Guest Editor at journal[at] The receiving of all proposals is confirmed by the editor by e-mail.
Contributors should adhere to the format of the journal. The papers will be anonymously peer-reviewed. The authors obtain the comments from the reviewer(s) throughout the Guest Editor, they do not enter in contact directly.
Title page: The first page of each paper should indicate the title, the name of author(s) and their institutional affiliation.
Address: The postal address complete with postal code must be given at the bottom of the title page, together with Phone/Fax numbers and E-mail address if available.
Key words: A list of 3-10 key words in English is essential. For economic papers, please suggest JEL classification code.
Abstract: Each paper should be accompanied by a 10-line abstract (if the text is in French, the abstract must be in English).
References: In the text identify references by Arabic numerals. Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. The list of references should include only those publication that are cited in the text. Name, initials, year, underlined title, city: publishing house. If more tha one, the last author's name should be placed after initials. Examples:
Steiner, J. (1994) Textbook on EC Law,
Gaillard, E., Carreau, D. W.L. Lee (1999) Le
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